Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I watch the Parade?

    The Parade is 6.5 kilometers long and there are lots of places to get a good seat.
    See the Parade route here.
  • Where does the parade start?

    The Parade starts at Christie St. and Bloor St. W.
  • What time does the parade start?

    The Parade starts at 12:30 p.m. and Santa will reach the end of the Parade at Front St. and Jarvis St. at approximately 3:30 p.m.
  • How can I get to the Parade?

    Taking public transit is the best way to get to the Parade.
    Take the TTC! For all the information on taking the TTC, click here
    Take GO Transit! For all the information on taking GO to the Parade, click here
  • Do you cancel the Parade for bad weather?

    No, the Parade happens rain or shine!
  • When is the broadcast of the Parade?

    THE 119th ORIGINAL SANTA CLAUS PARADE returns to CTV,, and the CTV app on Saturday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
  • How long does the Parade take to go by me?

    It takes approximately 90 minutes for the Parade to go by you.
  • How can I participate in the Parade?

    Registration for volunteer spots for the 2024 Original Santa Claus Parade will open in February of 2024.
  • Where does the Parade end?

    The Parade ends at Front St. and Jarvis St.
  • Can I still run in the Holly Jolly Fun Run?

    Registration is closed for the 2023 Holly Jolly Fun Run.
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